We follow news updates online, with concern and hope. On the other side, we engage in social interaction in social media with family members who may be far away. We feel emotions in interactive media systems (such as virtual and augmented reality), and on-demand entertainment media.
1. How does globally connected digital network change emotions?
2. What influence does the co-constructive online-mediatization have on global digital affect?
3. Are new digital affect cultures emerging and if so, how can they be characterized?
As these examples and questions show: Emotions and media need to be studied from a wide array of perspectives, each bringing distinctive insights. Based on The Routledge International Handbook of Emotions and Media (Döveling, Konijn 2021, available online) and highly up-to date-research (Döveling, Robinson, Sommer, Suter 2023) this class discusses latest inter/transdisciplinary research findings on emotions in the digital realm reaching from psychology to sociology and media and communication perspectives.
Assignment: Grounded in little projects that students can choose freely, we will investigate and grasp the multifold areas of emotions and media in different media settings in our digital society: Reflection in presentation and article. We will also look behind the scenes of the ZDF and experience how digitalization changes TV.
Relevant for your grades:
· 50% Presentation Theory (20-30 min plus Discussion /Interaction),
· 50% Project, PPT, Discussion (20-30 Min plus Discussion/Interaction)Documentation (ppt presentation) and Small Article.
o The ppt must be uploaded to Moodle one day before the presentation
o File names always include the following information: DAC_Date of the presentation_ Last name of the presenter,
§ e.g. DAC_08_5_Schmitz_Meyer.
Only files that have this information in their file name can be considered
· Literature upload per Group one article or one book etc.
DE_Date_ Topic_Authors’ last names
· Active participation in class!
Find literature: Online library of HDA, Researchgate.net, Academia.edu, Google books etc.