The goal for the students is to realize a short film up to a maximum of 4-15 minutes (scenic) and up to approx. 15 minutes (documentary/essay) minutes in artistic and organisational responsibility as a team within 17 weeks without great technical effort. Students have (almost) complete freedom in the choice of topics, personal topics have priority.

Limitation scenic: max. 2 locations, 1 prop, max. 2 actors, laymen or protagonists, team formation into the departments production, script, direction, camera & editing.

The students first deal with the content aspects of their work (Why? What? When?);
only then should a realisation of this content (How?) be found. The form is decided in the context of the content.
In total, a maximum of 8-10 films will be produced.

The most successful films will be sent to the short film programme "kurz und hessisch" and have the opportunity to be selected as supporting films for various cinemas in Hessen. (